The Carnation Revolution overthrew the longest dictatorship in Western Europe in Portugal and accelerated the Spanish Transition. The magic of that peaceful military coup that the population immediately embraced is commemorated in books, concerts, plays and exhibitions.

“The entire country has mobilized to celebrate April 25,” historian Maria Inázia Rezola, president of the commemorative commission created by the Government to celebrate half a century of freedom, highlighted in the presentation of the program. Both countries agreed to commemorate the democratization of the Iberian Peninsula during 2024 and 2025 with a joint cultural program, covering numerous cities. The complicity and respect of the rebels towards the press was the first break with the regime. Almost everything would differentiate them: pacifism, generosity, sacrifice and, yes, humor. Mischief and irreverence also played a role in the uprising. Those intrepid and idealistic soldiers did they want to impose themselves by shooting nor for themselves. No one else was tired of dying in three colonial wars in Africa.