German mechanical engineering company Illig files for bankruptcy in Heilbronn. Illig is one of the world market leaders in mechanical engineering for packaging and thermoforming.

Company's 500 employees have no choice but to wait to see what happens next with the tool systems expert. IG Metall wants to stand up for the employees and ensure that jobs can be preserved for the future.. A traditional company in Bavaria that recently filed for bankruptcy again. A German grocery chain. A giant in the fashion industry could also slip into bankruptcy because the company has run into financial difficulties.. Among other things, a well-known heating specialist had to file for bankruptcy, as did a German theater chain.. The German construction industry has seen up to 30 bankruptcies in one week, according to a report by the German Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Bundesverband Deutscher Konservativ) (BVC) The BVC reports that the number of bankruptcies is expected to rise in the coming months.