The federal, state and local governments have 2.62 trillion euros in debt, says the Bundesbank. According to a study, Germany's mountain of debt is much larger.

The actual liabilities for which Germany could be held liable are ten percent higher, according to a ZEW study. The EU measures against the consequences of the corona pandemic caused an increase in German liabilities. As part of the “Next Generation EU” (NGEU) reconstruction plan, the debt-financed 750 billion euros bring financial obligations for Germany. The share of the repayment of the subsidies and programs in the Corona reconstruction plan is just over 109 billion euros after all funds have been paid out in full. In addition, Germany will provide guarantees totaling 134 billion euros until the loans are fully repaid by 2058, a so-called reputational loan for other member states. The German share of EU loans to non-member states makes up the smallest part. This accounts for 18 billion euros.