Gloria! by Margherita Vicario is an all-female and slightly Martian musical film. Already in the running for Italy at the Berlinale and in theaters tomorrow with 01.

Set in a women's institute in Venice at the end of the 18th century. The cast includes Paolo Rossi, Gamba, Lucchesi, Bellugi and Elio (ANSA) . Glory! is a fantastic story of a contamination between classical and contemporary music that is not entirely impossible, but which lacks the story. It is also an allegory of an era in which women counted for little and also redemption, always feminine, in Gloria! The film is written by Anita Rivaroli and Vicario, the granddaughter of the actor and director Marco Vicario and of the actress Rossana Podestà and also daughter of the director Francesco Vicario. The director, singer-songwriter and actress in Berlin says: "There have always been women musicians, very creatively free, who you found either in the courts or in the colleges"