Indictment filed against Natan ben Isak Aberbuch, 34, for fraudulently receiving sums of money from less than 24 different victims, while impersonating them. In the past, he was convicted nine times of charges of debit card fraud, impersonation, fraudulately receiving and more.

Aberb Buch managed to penetrate the voicemail systems of customer services at various companies such as Rami Levy, Klalit Health Insurance and Golan Telecom. He also called cell phone companies where the victims were subscribers, and impersonated them, while using the same personal details with which they identified themselves in the conversation in front of him. The indictment is based on many different pieces of evidence, such as the testimonies of about 24 different complainants, the testimony of a chief security officer of Bank Leumi - who described how the accused managed to defraud the bank. In addition, testimony from the Postal Bank detailing the bank accounts in his possession, and documents describing the many transfers made to him.