Tony Effe, with the album Icon, is confirmed for the fourth consecutive week at the top of the ranking of the best-selling albums of the week according to the Fimi/Gfk surveys. The rest of the podium changes instead with the entry directly into second place of the multi-platinum visionary producer Mace.

Third step for the new work of the pop-punk group La Sad, Odio La Sad (which is first among vinyl records), after the exploit at the last Sanremo festival. Kid Yugi and The Names of the Devil (fourth) and Rose Villain, fifth, with Radio Sakura, slipped two positions. SferaEbbasta closes the top ten with Popolari, down five positions, and Annalisa with the re-release of E poi siafiniti nel vortex. The top ten is dominated by albums by Italian artists, with only one artist from the United States making it into the top 10 for the first time.