Do not take this condensation problem lightly: it reflects excessive humidity in your home. To counter this phenomenon, follow our anti-condensation advice on your window glazing.

If condensation builds up on the outside of your windows, there's not much you can do about it except wait for it to disappear. Conversely, recurring condensation inside the window is proof of poorly managed humidity. Excess heating (or air conditioning in summer) is a sign of an aged seal or a damaged panel. Consider a quick change to gain quick comfort. Lower the radiators to avoid too great a difference between inside and outside. In case of localized condensation, you can use anti-Condensation sprays like those sold for car windows. Also consider a homemade solution: hot water + a few drops of dishwashing liquid + 1 dose of white vinegar, spray then wipe with a microfiber. Coating the windows with soap or shaving cream also works well. If you are concerned about condensation on your double-glazed windows, check the air outlets at the windows.