'Open bookshelf' is an idea that is gaining popularity nationwide. Unterhaching's food rescue association is proposing a fourth location at the recycling center on Friedensplatz.

Town hall spokesman Simon Hötzl explicitly welcomes the club's offensive. The problem lies primarily in monitoring; there is a risk of illegal littering, said the town hall in response to a request from the Münchner Merkur, a local newspaper. The association wants to guarantee that a circuit cabinet will not just become a waste dump, they say. The town hall says it will deepen the dialogue, but at the same time, he points out that the municipal recycling center has revived exactly this idea with the “Schatzkammerl’s” support.. Too good to throw away - maybe others can do something with it? This idea germinates in UnterHaching. But there is also resistance. The idea is “a great project”, says Höztl.