In 2024 there will be 12 million wine tourists. A figure that marks an increase of approximately 20% compared to last year.

For no less than 18 million overnight stays directly linked to the phenomenon. A good two thirds of the wine tourists will be Italian, the rest will be foreigners. Among holidaymakers from abroad, a predominance of tourists arriving from the United States of America is expected, followed by Germans, British, Swiss, Dutch and Austrians. There is also a growing number of enthusiasts coming from Asia, Oceania and South America. The wine tourist is mostly a medium-high range holidaymaker who, in addition to spending directly on the trip, buys products (wine and food and wine specialities) for himself and their family and spends more on gifts directly or through vouchers than the average general tourist. During the harvest period, the wine tourist can dedicate himself to experiential activities, in short those with which he "gets dirty" his hands by engaging in agricultural or artisanal tasks.