Marie Dufresse is the owner of the “Au Palet d’or” chocolate pastry shop in Bar-le-Duc (Meuse) Her business was weakened by the Covid-19 crisis. Her apprentice and his salesman launched a Leetchi fundraiser to help him while his business is in danger since the crisis.

“This gesture reflects the relationship that unites us, at work and outside,” she recognizes. “I’m counting on this jackpot,’ she said, “because I don’t want to have to make a difficult decision. I do everything possible to avoid it because my employees are like my family.”  “I'm lucky to have my parents who help me and fill my refrigerator,“ admits the 27-year-old young woman who has often bordered on burnout in recent years. ‘I wasn't very favorable to the idea, but I admit that it could help me, especially since the cold room in my workshop has given up the ghost.’