The show on Friday April 12 hosted by Camille Combal was marked by the departure of two duos. Natasha St-Pier and Anthony Colette, just recovered from a violent lumbago, set off on a paso doble.

Keiona opted for a samba dance to Beyoncé. Roman Doduik wowed the jury with his Argentinian tango to Comic Strip. Nico Capone, James Denton, Inès Reg and Black M were at the bottom of the rankings and had to undergo the “face test” The semi-final will therefore decide, next Friday, whether or not they will make it to the final. The show will be shown on TF1 at 8.30pm on Friday, April 13. For more information on the show, visit the official website or watch the Express catch-up on April 12 at 8:30 p.m. and April 13 at 9:30pm. For the rest of the week, see the official “Dancing with the Stars’’ website.