Journalist and writer Jorge Fernández Díaz responds to President Javier Milei. He says Milei's comments are part of a plan by the President.

He also attacks the journalists who defended the statements of the libertarian president. "We must be careful not to use the gap, a president pointing out a person, being cruel to someone because they ask a question are signs of a populist," he says. "I was in full mourning for the death of my mother-in-law. I get the impression that it is questionable to call a journalist, a writer, an idiot three times, being the president of the republic," he adds. "This is an action program, Rothbard, the guru who governs us from beyond," Milei says of the president's statements. "What the president is doing is symbolically machine-gunning, the Republicans, not Kirchnerists, but the Republicans," adds FernáNDez Dísaz.