Video shows forensic doctors dancing, singing and filming with their cell phones while carrying out autopsy exams during a course in Malta. "An unbecoming and unseemly attitude towards the activity that was being carried out on cadavers", says Filippo Anelli, president of the National Federation of Orders of Surgeons and Dentists (Fnomceo) Anelli: "It has never happened that there has been such a clear lack of decorum in the exercise of a professional training activity" The event - states Anelli - occurred at the University of Malta on the occasion of a training course for the dissection of organs oncadavers.

The evaluation will be carried out taking into account the circumstances that the professionals want to represent to their provincial president, says Anelli. "The event - he underlines - has profiles of ethical evaluation for the purposes of possible disciplinary measures against the doctors who participated", he adds. "It is up to the provincial orders where the doctors themselves are registered"