Russian forces outnumber Ukrainian troops by seven to ten times in the eastern regions, Ukrainian General Yury Sodol said before Parliament. Just today the Ukrainian Parliament approved in second reading the draft law on mobilization which should recruit 500 thousand soldiers during 2024.

Sodol, commander of Ukrainian troops in the Kharkiv, Donetsk and Lugansk regions, said: "The enemy outnumbers us by 7 to 10 times, we lack military personnel" The draft law is expected to be approved by the Ukrainian parliament by the end of the month, and will be put into effect by the beginning of next year. The bill was introduced by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, who is also the prime minister of Ukraine. The law will be introduced by Poroshenko's government, which is also backed by the European Union and the European Council of Ministers. The draft bill will be presented to Parliament by Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman, who also is the president of the Ukrainian National Council of Defence.