In Argentina, Kiss Day is celebrated every April 13. It is often attributed to the latest Guinness World Record for the longest kiss.

But in July of last year the Guinness organization announced that it would “deactivate” this award from its list. The decision arose because “the competition had become too dangerous,” the organization said. In the United Kingdom it has been celebrated on July 6 every year since the end of the 20th century.. The doctor and sexologist Beatriz Literat explains how our body reacts to contact. “During and after a loving, friendly, reunion or reconciliation kiss, body chemistry transforms into a true and healthy elixir of youth,’ she says. If we wanted to make a recipe to increase sexual pleasure during a sexual encounter, kisses would be an ingredient that not be missing. Some people's frequency of a kiss more and others's less is not proven, but there is no correlation between a couple's frequency and sexual response.