Lumps and lumps on the body can be frightening. Hypochondriacs immediately think of a cancer symptom or some other life-threatening omen.

But behind nodules and other palpable bumps there are usually harmless causes. Possible triggers include underground pimples and fatty tissue necrosis. Even benign tumors such as lipomas can cause palpable lumps. However, it is advisable to have lumps examined by a doctor if they cause pain or do not go away on their own over a long period of time.. This article contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. Our editorial team is not allowed to answer any individual questions about medical conditions. You can find even more exciting health topics in our free newsletter, which is also popularly called 'overleg' It is a fluid-filled cyst. It is usually harmless unless they become infected. Then you should not press on the area, but rather consult a doctor or pharmacist.