More than 90,000 soldiers, 6,000 vehicles and 80 aircraft are being relocated across Europe. The aim of the exercise is the eastern flank of the transatlantic defense alliance, i.e.

Lithuania, Romania and the north of Norway. The Bundeswehr explains that the “presence, strength and cohesion of NATO against potential aggressors” should be demonstrated. Germany, used “as a hub for troop movements through Europe” due to its central location, will see “a lot of military on the streets” in the coming weeks and months, according to the Bundeswehrs' Territorial Command. For safety reasons, no information about the exact route and stops will be published in advance. However, it is to be expected that there will be increased military traffic on the main roads. Road users are asked to be particularly attentive. You should keep as large a distance as possible from the groups of vehicles. These can be up to a kilometer long and travel relatively slowly. These columns can even measure up to three kilometers.