Lewisia is a hardy plant that resists -15°C. The most common variety in France is Lewisia cotyledon.

Lewisias acclimatize very well in rock gardens. It needs well-drained, fertile, rich soil with a neutral humidity level. The plant must be exposed to the sun for deciduous species or in partial shade for evergreen species. It can be affected by crown rot, when humidity persists too long in the heart of the leaf rosettes. In addition, it is often visited by slugs, aphids, snails and caterpillars. It is advisable to transplant and replant the suckers at the end of flowering in individual pots, watering them moderately. Every year, in the spring, the Lewisias must be repotted in a new pot. The flowers appear between late spring and mid-summer. The colors are varied: white, yellow, orange, pink, red, purple, yellow.