The 'Master of the Art of Italian Cuisine Award' is now law. The prize will be awarded annually by the President of the Council of Ministers.

The award consists of a bronze medal with the emblem of the Italian Republic and the words, expressed based on belonging to one of the categories of merit. Among the requirements for candidacy, it is necessary to have completed a multi-year training course and to have gained at least fifteen years of proven and recognized experience in the relevant sector. Those awarded may be given expert positions in professional institutes for food and wine and hotel hospitality. The bill presented by the owner of Masaf provides for the establishment of the prize awarded to Italian citizens who have distinguished themselves in a commendable manner in the field of gastronomy. With their work, they have enhanced the prestige of Italian cuisine, illustrating the homeland and helping to enhance national excellence. Within sixty days from the date of entry into force of the law, six Master of theArt ofItalianCuisine awards will be given, one for each of the envisaged categories.