Carmelo Patti, former owner of Valtur, died in 2016. He was considered one of the frontmen of Messina Denaro.

Court of Appeal of Palermo ruled out that Patti had any "close" relationships with the mafia association. The college excludes the entrepreneur's membership of Cosa Nostra. "Knight Patti died without a criminal record and was acquitted in all the trials in which he was called to defend himself and dedicated his life to work and the growth of his companies", says the defense team of Patti and his heirs, Francesco Bertorotta, Roberto Tricoli, Raffaele Bonsignore, Angelo Mangione, Marco Antonio Dal Ben and Giuseppe Carteni. "He has never reacted to the media attacks and has never lost faith in Justice which today, finally, fully restores his honor", adds the lawyers for Patti's heirs, who were represented by the lawyers Roberto Trickoli and Marco Antonio d Ben.