Urban bus transport in Dachau has developed positively in recent months. The number of passengers has increased sharply.

The ten-minute service and the Germany ticket meant that the buses were well utilized. Those responsible in the city council are satisfied and see their strategy confirmed. However, further financing of the offer has not yet been secured.. Unlike the district, bus operations have not been outsourced to private companies. As a result, the municipal utilities are the only employer to have a shortage of skilled workers. It is also not clear whether the district will maintain its support for urban bus transport. The district also has to save money. You can read more news from the region here:  Dachau region has more news here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-news-article-18051st-dachau-bus-transport-develops-positively-in-recent-months-including-increased-passengers-and-deutschland-tickets.html.