Feminist organizations have been one of the supports of Gustavo Petro's Government. A letter sent to the president and his vice president and Minister of Equality, Francia Márquez, shows that there is growing concern among women.

“The vice minister had very broad legitimacy among the movements in various areas of the country, we had all our trust in her,” says Angelica Arias Preciado, coordinator of the Caribbean Women's Network. The letter is also signed by dozens of small local feminist organizations, from Floridablanca (Valle del Cauca) or San Zenón (Magdalena) The organizations conclude their letter with a request: to be taken into account in a new space for participation that allows them greater dialogue with the government about the direction of the vice ministry. The government has not commented on the reasons for the resignation of Diana Marcela Gómez, who took office just seven months ago, in September of last year.