Michele Laforgia postpones his candidacy as mayor of Bari to the parties that support him, asking that they decide whether the conditions for moving forward still exist. On the other front the centre-right, after a back and forth that lasted four months, seems ready to make its mayoral candidate official tomorrow.

Fabio Romito, regional councilor of the League, who turns 36 today, will be Bari's new mayor. The election on 8 and 9 June is now imminent, says Alessandro Giorgia, a former mayor of the city. He says the election is a sign of the "decline of politics" and that the political forces that nominated the two centre-left candidates "are asking us to take dance steps, it is not clear where or how" "It is not us, and in any case it is certainly not me, branded as divisive from the first moment," he says. "I remain at the service of the center-left and waiting to know if and under what conditions I will be asked for a personal commitment"