The body of a nun appeared in a neighborhood in the center of the city inside a suitcase. The first information states that the body was hidden for more than a year.

"We are facing a case of illegal burial," said the prosecutor investigating the case. The hypothesis being used is that the 80-year-old nun hid her friend's body for a year in a cellar inside her home, without burying it or notifying the authorities. After a series of raids, audiovisual investigations and interviews with alleged suspects carried out in the last few hours, the prosecutor's office decided to order the arrest of the octogenarian and her daughter, who have remained as defendants. The body was found in a suitcase on Las Talaveras Street, in the Ñuñoa commune, in Chile's capital city of Santiago, on Monday. It is believed to have been the remains of a woman, 58, who died over a year ago, and was buried in the cellar of her home.