7 out of 10 French people complain about sleep, occasionally or chronically. Here are some simple rules for restorative rest.

For breakfast, don't skip it, think about proteins and whole grains. Foods that are too sweet can increase blood sugar and make you sleepy. Avoid the vicious circle which combines ruminations and the anxious quest for sleep. And above all, go to bed when you are sleepy, not because it's time. For more sleep advice, visit CNN.com/sleeping and follow the links below: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sleeping/article-315715/How-to-get-a-good-night-and-sleep-well-in-the-same-day.html#storylink=cpy. We would also like to hear from you about how you get a good night's sleep. If you have any questions about this article, please contact the MailOnline newsdesk at [email protected] or on Twitter @MailOnlineSleep.