Journalist Christine Kelly rejected the announcement of her death at the opening of her daily “Face à l'info”, on CNews, this Wednesday. “I know many of you have had a shock today.

I'm not dead. I had a lot of calls. People in tears, who told me: 'Christine, we really thought you were dead,' I am here. And really, I'm very shocked. I took it as a joke, because I know I'm alive, that's it, but it really,. really, really (...) touched friends. I regret this kind of joke about people’s lives,” condemned Christine Kelly. This event raises the topical question of disinformation and even more so, the dissemination of false information on the networks. Who would be so angry with Christine Kelly as to declare her dead to the Twittersphere? What is this message for? For what profit? And to harm, ultimately, who? Will the journalist file a complaint?