The payment card for asylum seekers has been being tested in four pilot municipalities in Bavaria since the end of March. Not all shops accept the card.

The payment card also works wherever you can pay with a normal Mastercard. However, it is limited to the legally permissible residence area. Asylum seekers can also withdraw 50 euros per month in cash; the rest of the money goes onto the card, which is called the Girocard. The German trade association is campaigning for a support program that could make it easier for businesses to switch to card payment. The Federal Government's Integration Commissioner, Alabali-Radovan, said in an interview with dpa: "The debate about alleged pull factors that we would supposedly combat with a payment card is not productive. Surveys and studies show that people are not fleeing with cash to Germany because of fleeing to Germany’s borders.” The German government has issued almost 600 cards so far and 771 people are on benefits. The district office says: “We have not been informed of any problems,” was the conclusion of the Günzburg district office.