Numerologist Alicia Vénere explains below how to calculate the birth number. The meanings of each of the “life path” numbers.

How to calculate it according to the date of birth. The sum of its digits when there is more than one indicates the person's natural way of reacting. The day of the month shows the characteristics of your personality. The year indicates the climate around which the person's life will revolve. The person is sharp, logical, and penetrating, as well as frontal, since he will not spare adjectives to say what he thinks. He must develop his capacity for versatility, intelligence, his desired freedom, and his imagination. Given this learning, we will see a person who is interested in traveling, doing new things, making changes, and acting in unusual ways. He will contact new people and will not like the routine; at most, he will do a routine of his variety. He is affectionate, pleasant, sociable, generous, tolerant, perfectionist. The person is reserved, intuitive, silent, mentally strong, observant, curious, and enigmatic. He is responsible for his work, for whom home happiness is his main goal in life, aswell as that of everyone around him, being able to postpone his own needs to the well-being of others. This will show us a person worthy of trust and responsibility. He needs many moments of solitude and meditation to connect with spiritual or natural forces.