Emmanuel Macron says there are two possible locations for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. “If we think there are risks, depending on the analysis we make of the context, we have fallback scenarios,” began the President of the Republic.

For several months, the possibility of not being able to carry out an opening ceremony on the Seine throughout the capital had already been on the minds of the competent authorities. ‘We are preparing a ceremony which would be limited to the Trocadéro, where we would not use the entire Seine,’ said the French President in an interview with BFM TV/RMC. “We will do an analysis in real time, and we are preparing an event which would bring the public back to the Stade de France, because that is what is happening. done classically, » said Macron in the interview with the French radio station BFM Radio and TV. ‘There are plans B and C and we prepare them in parallel. »