The hand-forged old mechanical church tower clock of the Peitingen parish church of St. Michael is now an eye-catcher in the Klösterle museum.

The movement, manufactured by the Johann Mannhardt tower clock factory in Munich, was in operation from 1827 until the tower roof was renewed in 1965. The municipality took this as an opportunity and awarded the contract for the delivery of an electric tower clock system to the Georg Rauscher company in Regensburg. The old mechanical clockwork has since been freed from dragging the hands and striking the hours. The clockwork is the work of a blacksmith who made the pillar frame and that with great love and care. “The big secret of this clock is its gear train, in which larger gears make smaller ones, the pinions, rotate. Another mechanism, the locking and steel anchor wheel, slows down the force of the 'falling' weight so that the following gear train moves at a constant speed," says master country watchmaker Hubert Nold.