Buchinger-Wilhelmi clinic in southwest Germany is home to more than 6,000 patients each year. Fasting is a centuries-old method of self-healing, developed by Dr.

Otto Buchinger in 1919. Clinic offers a variety of treatments, including meditation, cooking classes, musical performances, and integrative medicine. The fourth day marks the entry into a new era of mediotherapy, in a therapeutic version of Integrative Medicine (physiotherapy), where the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins are released into the bloodstream. The last day of the fast is a day of digestive rest based on steamed vegetables, without salt or fat, to slow down the activity of the organs without rushing the body. The body deprived of sugar will draw on glycogen from the liver and muscles to trigger a cellular cleaning mechanism. If we don't fast, headaches and nausea are at half mast and fatigue is overwhelming despite ten hours of sleep. Extra cup of honey reacted immediately with a cup of milk, and we lick the bottom of the cup until the last drop of honey.