Three Italian DOPs come together for a cultural and social defense operation of the dairy sector, and of the world of breeding and milk processing. PDOs play a key role in the panorama of Italian and European Made in Italy with a production value of around 5.2 billion and 8.6 billion in consumer value, according to Ismea Qualivita data.

The union of the Consortia of Casciotta d'Urbino, Piave and Provolone Valpadana takes place under the aegis of Aecis, the European Association of Culture, Innovation and Sustainability, whose main objective is to take up the challenge of the transition towards sustainable food systems. The Conioni del ProVa Padana project started in 2023, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and co-financed by the Lombardy Region, with the aim of building a detailed database of all consumption of the supply chain, starting with the maturation of milk.