There are 5.7 billion in funding for Renewable Energy Communities (Cer), 2.2 billion for municipalities with up to 5 thousand inhabitants. A Cer is a group of citizens, small and medium-sized enterprises, territorial bodies and local authorities, including municipal administrations, cooperatives, research bodies, entire religious groups.

"Behind this allocation there is the objective of a total of 5 gigawatts. It is a question of starting and seeing the results", says Gilberto Pichetto, Minister of the Environment and Energy Security, speaking via videoconference at the Chamber of Commerce of Palermo and Enna. "If the funds were to end, it means that the project works, that tens of thousands of energy producers are truly created through the Cer", adds the minister. The conference is called "A road map for businesses, local authorities and the territory", which takes place at the chambers of commerce ofPalermo, Enna and the city of Lecce.