Doren Dinglinger completed her Master of Music at the Juilliard School in New York in 2009. In 2011, she got a job with the Munich Radio Orchestra and moved to the Bavarian capital.

If she had to choose again between Bavaria and the USA, she would choose the former. The radio orchestra "welcomed her with open arms." She has a soft spot for the composer Strauss. "It's one of the most famous halls in the world. That feels a bit sacred to me," says Dinglinger, who has performed at Carnegie Hall and the Richard Strauss Festival in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. The full interview will be published in the next issue of the Schongau magazine, on sale now in Germany and in the U.S. for $24.99. To order your copy of the magazine, go to and then click on the 'buy' button.