“The face is the mirror of the soul,” an expression attributed to Cicero continues to be a recurring statement today. The 24 pairs of small muscles of the face, contracting or relaxing in combination, provide a repertoire of gestures capable of expressing an infinite number of feelings.

Expressions of joy, astonishment, pain or contempt are universal, they are recognizable in the stone soul of a carved figure or in the pencil stroke gesture that gives life to cartoons. Eating protein with the help of primitive stone tools helped reduce the size of the jaw and teeth. This had consequences on respiratory function and the size and shape of the brain. The face was molded to meet and reinforce the needs of communication and performance that concluded in the emergence of civilizations and more refined forms of art. “He who does not understand a glance will not understanding a long explanation either, says the proverb.” “You can follow EL PAÍS on Instagram and Instagram X X.