The bill to secure the internet was definitively adopted on Wednesday, after a final vote by the Assembly. The bill proposes to make the Internet a safer space by fighting in particular against cyberharassment, scams, hate speech or the accessibility of pornographic sites to minors.

The text was approved by 134 deputies, 75 voting against, from the ranks of France Insoumise, the PS and the RN in particular. La France insoumises has announced an appeal to the Constitutional Council. The majority also had to essentially abandon its plan to facilitate the lifting of anonymity on the internet, in the face of government hostility. It only plans to provide access to a “digital identity” to all French people who wish it by 2027, without requiring Internet users to have one in order to open an account on social networks. It had to be carefully rewritten to meet the requirements of the law, which aims to regulate the digital “Far West”, according to rapporteur Paul Midy (Renaissance)