The Middle East remains a powder keg, whether lit by desires for revenge, religious fanaticism, personal ambitions or geopolitical miscalculations. Westerners must do everything to extinguish these fuses, for obvious reasons, but also to avoid an impact on oil prices.

The West, starting with France, should offer Iran a major security issue, like what Tehran had proposed in vain to the West in 2003, after the American invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. This time there was more fear than harm. We must understand that the pogrom perpetrated on October 7, 2023 by the Muslim Brotherhood of Hamas, against peaceful kibbutz, was not an act of war, but of terror. It was an attempt to silence the voice of the voiceless, and to make the world aware of the danger of war in the Middle East. We need to make sure that the world does not suffer the same fate as the people of Ukraine, who suffered the loss of their homes and livelihoods.