Christophe Boutin is a professor of public law in Caen. He published Le referendum with Frédéric Rouvillois.

Or how to give power back to the people (2023) The Constitutional Council rejected LR's proposal to organize a referendum on migration policy. Boutin says the five criteria for consulting the people would not be reunited. The Council has refused to control the referendum law adopted since 1962, in 2008 we want to allow it to block things beforehand, says Boutin, co-author of an essay on the referendum. The referendum will take place on April 11, 2024, according to the Constitutional Council's decision, which is expected to be announced in the next few days. It will be the sixth time that the Council has intervened in a shared initiative referendum procedure (RIP) The exercise involves bringing together a fifth of the members of Parliament, then a tenth of the electorate, before the proposal is put to a referendum - unless Parliament "examines" it.