Many German companies continue to do business in Russia despite the war in Ukraine. Russia is making it increasingly difficult for companies to withdraw.

Putin has enough resources to harm companies - they are even threatened with expropriation. There is also the risk that a withdrawal of German companies could play into the hands of the Russian economy. The probability that something is sanctioned in Russia is now higher than that it is not sanctioned. The impact of Western sanctions would not be effective if German companies were to withdraw from the Russian market, says Winkler. The public generally imagines the exit to be far too easy and unfortunately idealizes those companies for their quick exit, he says. The only thing mentioned is the danger of the withdrawal of exposing one's own employees, whether permanent or not, to state measures. It is estimated that 50 to 60 percent of all our sanctions measures from the EU directly or indirectly affect the Russian state. “Russia has the most sanctioned environment in the world.” said Winkler in an interview with Ippen.