Anpi Milan: 'Instrumental controversies, focus will be anti-fascism' Mayor Giuseppe Sala launched an appeal for unity, inviting the Jewish Brigade "not to contest" the ANPI. On April 25th political controversy also sparked in Pomezia, in the province of Rome, where the mayor of Fratelli d'Italia, Veronica Felici, "denied the main square of the city to the AnPI for the demonstration" The meeting of the Permanent Anti-Fascist Committee will be held on Monday to define the final details.

The main slogan of the demonstration will be 'W la Repubblica anti-fascist, then on the topic of war everyone will have their opinion' The main square would have been granted to the founding settlers' association, "which has as its objective the valorisation of the role of the very first settlers after Benito Mussolini's decision to reclaim the Pontine countryside south of Rome" For this reason, Peppe De Cristofaro will present a question to the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi.