"The Jobs Act was a great reform, not without gaps, but also with absolutely positive aspects," says the CISL general secretary. "We respect the initiatives of the other unions even if on the merits we feel like affirming which we do not agree with", adds the union leader.

The CISL leader suggests that of "using all the resources of the Inail surplus, equal to almost three billion, to support compulsory training, to invest in quality of the company, to hire technicians, researchers and also to improve and increase incomes and bonuses for families affected by dramatic accidents in the workplace" The union's National Assembly, which this year takes place launching the appeal: 'Let's stop the trail of blood', will also discuss the CGIL referendum proposal on the restoration of article 18. The union cannot sell dreams but must deal with reality and in the difficult reality achieve goals, valorising and capitalizing on the results in the relationship with the workers, says the general secretary of the union, Luigi Sbarra.