At the center is the future of the regional council after the "net renewal." The leader is pushing to go beyond "the mere replacement of those who have left." Replacing the two councilors who resigned, therefore, is not enough. The point of failure, at the moment, would be that of a major reshuffle involving at least five councillors.

But not everyone is ready to bet on the fact that the president can accept a major reshuffle without a fight. There are those who speak of a very high bar set by Rome, which would involve well over half of the council in the reshuffle. It would be thresholds that would be seen by the territory as a de facto commissionership. And so the tug of war continues over the number of councilors to replace. With some goalkeepers cultivating hope, five could be enough for both sides, those who press and those who resist. The outcome is not a given, however, because Emiliano seems intent on buying time, postponing, at least for now, a drastic choice on his council.