Two men were hospitalized on Saturday evening, after having injured each other according to initial information. Ali K., aged 31, of no fixed address, was transferred to Lariboisière hospital (Paris 19th century), with a life-threatening prognosis.

Amine A., 28 years old, injured in the arm, was also admitted to Ballanger hospital (Aulnay) without life risk. They were both taken into custody under police surveillance. That of the seriously injured has been lifted. On the other hand, that of his ‘friend’ was extended. One of the suspects was arrested by the night brigade after she sought refuge in the Sevran police station. The police intervention was carried out under tension. “Around forty people gathered in the park and fired fireworks. The shots were reportedly aimed at the sky. Site security has been put in place by the BTC (territorial contact brigade) and the BAC Nuit to facilitate emergency intervention,” indicates a police source.