There are multiple reasons for counting sexual intercourse or the number of partners. Figures that allow you to flatter your ego and compare yourself, reassure yourself or brag.

Sexologist Clémence Linard: This quantification is seen as a barometer. In a couple, counting your sexual relations can generate a significant feeling of guilt. It can also create problems, including performance anxiety which causes erectile problems, problems with sexual desire or orgasm. The relationship with performance generates anxiety and worry. The “body count” network is a popular trend on the TikTok network, an opportunity for young women to have too many partners, a source of rejection, or even even even rejection by their partners. It is also a way to find the right partner for the right time to make love. There is a pragmatic side to looking at one’s diary, but one's diary, even for completely legitimate reasons, can have a negative impact on a relationship, says Sandrine.