The proposed contract for the management area was signed on 13 March. Elvira Serafini, general secretary of Snals, opened the seminar 'Technological innovation: from the digital transition to artificial intelligence in the education system and research', underway at the Seraphicum in Rome.

"This union is aware of the complexity of the changes taking place and is sure that, through continuous and constructive discussion on the issues of digital transition and Artificial Intelligence, advantageous operating conditions will be created, always through the use of human intelligence. This is the intent of today", she said. "The National Collective Labor Agreement must be contemporary with the transformations, accompany them to make them possible," she added. "We ask the Government to promptly issue the Guideline Act to start the procedures for the renewal of the 2022-2024 Contract for the entire Education and Research Sector, a three-year period which will expire on December 31, 2024," she said in an interview with La Repubblica magazine.