Sogesid and the University of Naples Federico II have signed a cooperation agreement. The agreement aims at sites characterized by high environmental pressure factors.

An integral part of the agreement will also be the organization of teaching support activities. Training courses and internships are reserved for undergraduate and graduate students of the University.  "Collaboration with the academic world represents an essential tool in combating the effects of climate change", declared Errico Stravato, CEO of Sogesids. The agreement was signed by the "inhouse providing" engineering company of the central state administrations, and the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering (Dicea) of the university's Department of civil, construction and environmental engineering.  The agreement allows students, future engineers, the possibility of coming into contact, already during their university education, with a public company involved in many of the most important interventions of environmental restoration and in the creation of very important water infrastructures, declared Francesco Pirozzi.