The CGIL and UIL procession has started marching which, in Bologna, will travel along Via Indipendenza to arrive in PiazzaMaggiore. According to the police, at least 1,500 people are present, but the queues are continuing to grow.

The demonstration was opened by the banner 'Enough is enough!', referring to deaths at work. It comes as part of an 8-hour general strike in the public and private sectors: measures that extend the national strike, given the massacre at the Suviana power plant. We have no formal, official information from the company on which companies employed the "dead, missing and seriously injured" employees. The deresponsibility of the procurement chain means that 3 or 4 companies are listed but today there is no official information on who employed the dead and missing. The CGIL secretary Michele Bulgarelli: "It is the day of anger because after the dismay I think that yesterday's press release and press conference by Enel Green Power are also absurd and unacceptable, unworthy of a civilized country"