A beer in Minsk, Belarus, costs just a little more than one euro. Cheapest beer in Eastern European cities is significantly cheaper than in the rest of Europe.

On the other side of the spectrum there are mainly northern European and Scandinavian cities. The most expensive beer is drunk in Reykjavik in Iceland. For a cool blonde you'll still have to shell out around eight euros in Helsinki. According to the World Hapiness Report 2024, Finland is the happiest country in the world. The city-state of Monaco on the French Mediterranean coast is in fourth place and London rounds out the top five.. No destination for your next city trip yet? Why not just follow the beer price? A ranking shows where the cool blonde is cheapest. In the future, when planning your travels, you can take into account the cost of beer in addition to accommodation and flight prices. The cities with the lowest beer prices at a glance. The beer price figures were collected by Numbeo.