After Israel's destruction of the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Tehran could not fail to send a response signal. But it had to do so without risking triggering a harsher Israeli response.

Lorenzo Trombetta from Beirut talks about Iran's response to the destruction of its consulate in Syria. Listen to the full interview in the video below or read the transcript on the next edition of the Italian edition of this podcast, which is available on and on the Apple Podcasts app and on Google Play. For the second edition, read the Italian version of the podcast, this time on CNN iReport. The Italian version is available to download for free on the Mac and the PC, as well as the Kindle and the Google Play versions of the Android and iOS versions. For more information, visit the Italian website, which can be downloaded for free from the Mac or the iPad for the first time, or from the Android version for the second. For the third and final episode of the European edition, see the German website, this week's edition of which is also available for the iPad and the iPhone.