By 2050, half of the world's population will suffer from some allergy. Climate change, pollution, globalization and Western lifestyles have fueled this explosion of cases.

Allergies are, in the words of Tomás Chivato, “a mistake of the immune system.” The army of the human body reacts abnormally to a non-harmful element and secretes substances that cause a range of symptoms, which can range from conjunctivitis to nasal congestion, asthma or skin rashes. In the worst case, contact with an allergen can cause anaphylaxis, which is a generalized and potentially fatal allergic reaction throughout the body. The increase in extreme consumption of ultra-processed and high-fat products, with a decrease in the diversity in the intestine, has a great impact on immune regulation and an alteration of the response to certain substances. Along the same lines, there is a window of opportunity for theimmune system to orchestrate its response to its environment.